世界著名色彩形象顾问机构---------Colour Me Beautiful中国首席色彩顾问
世界著名色彩形象顾问机构---------Colour Me Beautiful中国首席色彩顾问
When in 1979 Carole Jackson wrote Color Me Beautiful, little did she know that some 25 years later color me beautiful would become synonymous with the choice of colours people wear.Color me beautiful have helped millions of men and women in choosing the right clothes for themselves. We concentrate on developing the original colour concepts. Indeed, we keep doing so as fashion and taste develop. Body shapes are also changing. People are getting taller and bigger.
We now work with many retailers and mail order companies to help them with their collections image matters. We work with professional companies, as they want to ensure that their staff give out the right visual statement about the company and about themselves. The way you present yourself, in both your professional and personal life, can make or break you.
Managing our appearance is as important as who we are. It makes a visual statement about how we view ourselves, our lives, and the world we live in. Clothes can help to define who we are and re-enforce our self-image. More and more emphasis is placed on looking the part and dressing for success.Being well-dressed doesn't have to mean dressing expensively or being on the cutting edge of fashion. It means knowing what colours suit you, what shapes of clothes work best on you, and being appropriate for the life you lead.
We are delighted that Ji hui Liu is bringing color me beautiful to China and wish her manycolourful successes.
-------Chris Scarles and Veronique Henderson
当1979年卡洛尔●杰克逊出版 Color Me Beautiful一书的时候,她没有想到25年后 Color Me Beautiful会成为穿衣打扮颜色选择的同义词。Color Me Beautiful已经帮助成千上万的人选择了他们正确的衣着方式,我们尽全力发展新颖的色彩概念。事实上,我们与时尚和品位共同发展。人类的身材也在不断变化,人们变得更高更壮,我们现在与许多零售商和公司合作,来帮助他们。
我们非常高兴刘纪辉把 Color Me Beautiful色彩咨询事业带到中国,我们祝她的事业多姿多彩!